Archive | Employee Grievances

Employee Grievances Handling Procedure

Everything you need to know about the steps and procedure for employee grievances handling. The grievances are very harmful and these need proper and timely redressal. If not then there can be many fold problems in the industry. For proper handling of grievances there is need for an adequate procedure that can assign the responsibility step-by-step for effective management of [...]

By |2019-10-19T12:09:07+05:30October 19, 2019|Employee Grievances|Comments Off on Employee Grievances Handling Procedure

Employee Grievance Handling

Everything you need to know about employee grievance handling. Employers are, often, bombarded with grievances of various kinds from workers almost on a daily basis. The employer might be the target in most cases. At other times, workers may target the supervisors and even their co-workers. Such grievances may be real or imaginary, valid, or invalid, genuine or false. They [...]

By |2019-10-19T12:09:07+05:30October 19, 2019|Employee Grievances|Comments Off on Employee Grievance Handling
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