Archive | Investment Decisions

Investment Decision and Size of the Firm | Economics

Problem of decision making for investment is closely related with the size of firm, and maximisation of profit. What should be the optimum size of the firm is problem with which our present day industry is faced. A.G. Robinson while discussing optimum size of the firm has said that "It is a firm in which existing condition of technique and [...]

By |2017-12-11T04:31:06+05:30December 11, 2017|Investment Decisions|Comments Off on Investment Decision and Size of the Firm | Economics

Evaluating the Investment Decisions of a Firm | Economics

An entrepreneur adopts the various methods of evaluating the investment while making the decision. These methods can be classified into two major categories: (i) Traditional Investment Approaches. (ii) Modern Investment Approaches. Traditional Investment Approaches: The traditional methods of investment evaluation are based on three main assumptions: (a) The profit making is the only objective of the firm, (b) The investors [...]

By |2017-12-11T04:31:06+05:30December 11, 2017|Investment Decisions|Comments Off on Evaluating the Investment Decisions of a Firm | Economics

Changes in Rates of Interest and Investment Decisions

The following article will guide you to learn about how does changes in rates of interest affects investment decisions of business firms. Investment refers to a change in the stock of capital of a firm between two periods. The term is most commonly used to describe the flow of expenditures devoted to increasing or maintaining the real capital stock. In [...]

By |2017-01-13T05:55:19+05:30January 13, 2017|Investment Decisions|Comments Off on Changes in Rates of Interest and Investment Decisions
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