Archive | Commercial Banks

Role of Commercial Banks in Developing the Economy

The following points highlight the role of commercial banks in developing the economy. The roles are: 1. Accelerating the Rate of Savings and Capital Formation 2. Mobilisation of Resources and Granting of Adequate Credit for Deve­lopment 3. Credit for the Priority Sectors 4. Involvement in Development Planning 5. Strengthening Institutional Facilities 6. Promoting Growth with Stability. Role # 1. Accelerating [...]

By |2017-01-13T05:55:16+05:30January 13, 2017|Commercial Banks|Comments Off on Role of Commercial Banks in Developing the Economy

Financial Assets of a Commercial Bank

In this article we will discuss about the various financial assets of a commercial bank. Liquidity and Profitability: In order to be able to meet demands for cash as and when they are made a bank must not only arrange to have sufficient cash available but it must also distribute its assets in such a way that some of them [...]

By |2017-01-13T05:55:16+05:30January 13, 2017|Commercial Banks|Comments Off on Financial Assets of a Commercial Bank

How Commercial Banks Create Credit?

This article will guide you about how commercial banks create credit (money). The money supply of a country consists of notes and coins in circulation and bank deposits. The gov­ernment itself can create money by issuing more notes and coins through its central bank. However, (commercial) banks can also create money by creat­ing bank deposits. Let us examine how this [...]

By |2016-05-16T07:47:01+05:30May 16, 2016|Commercial Banks|Comments Off on How Commercial Banks Create Credit?
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