Archive | Profit Maximisation

What are the Two Rules of Profit Maximization? Answered! | Firms

Get the answer of: What are the Two Rules of Profit Maximisation? A profit-maximising firm has to face two different but inter-related questions: (a) Should it produce at all? (This is a question relating to shutting down or closing down any operation of the business.) (b) If it is profitable to produce any positive quantity, what is the optimum output? [...]

By |2017-01-13T05:58:21+05:30January 13, 2017|Profit Maximisation|Comments Off on What are the Two Rules of Profit Maximization? Answered! | Firms

When does the Profit of a Firm become Maximum? | Economics

In this article we will discuss when does the profit of a firm become maximum. Also learn about why is the equality of marginal revenue and marginal cost essential for profit maximisation in all types of markets. The basic objective of a firm under all types of market situation is the profit maximisation. Accordingly, a firm, whether competitive or mo­nopolistic, [...]

By |2017-01-13T05:58:21+05:30January 13, 2017|Profit Maximisation|Comments Off on When does the Profit of a Firm become Maximum? | Economics

Problem of Profit Maximization | Firm

To discuss the problem of profit maximisation we shall consider here a simple production process where the firm uses two variable inputs X and Y to produce a single output Q and where the firm buys the inputs at fixed prices rx and rY and sells the output also at a fixed price p. The production function of the firm [...]

By |2016-09-17T15:58:08+05:30September 17, 2016|Profit Maximisation|Comments Off on Problem of Profit Maximization | Firm
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