The below mentioned article provides study notes on cross elasticity of demand.

EXY = % change in quantity demanded for Y/% change in price X


Cross elasticity may be positive or negative, depending on the relationship between the two commodities. If the commodities are substitutes, cross elasticity will be positive, i.e., a rise in the price of the first commodity will cause an increase in the demand for the other commodity.


Fig. 2.57(a) shows the relationship between PX and demand for substitute good, Y. If X and Y are substitutes then the quantity demanded for Y is directly related to the price of X. As PX rises to PX1, demand for Y rises from OY1 to OY2.

If they are complements then quantity demanded for Y is inversely related to the price of X. In Fig. 2.57(b) demand curve has a negative slope. An increase in the price of X from PX to PX1 leads to a fall in the demand for Y. Thus cross elasticity of demand has a negative value. Thus for substitute goods, cross elasticity of demand becomes positive and for complementary goods it is negative.

If goods X and Y are not related either way (say, good X is a calculator while good Y is a trouser) then the value of cross elasticity of demand becomes zero. Fig. 2.57(c) shows zero cross-elasticity of demand A rise or fall in the price of X does not result in a change in the demand for Y.

Different Values of Cross Elasticity of Demand