Tag Archives | Commodities

The Hicksian Demand Function: With Diagram | Utility | Microeconomics

The Hicksian welfare measures can be used for the evaluation of any change of state as long as the agent's indirect utility for income is well defined before and after the change. The set of optimal commodity vectors in the EMP is denoted as h(p,u) ⊂ RL+. It is known as the Hicksian or compensated demand corresponding or function if [...]

By |2017-06-08T11:57:24+05:30June 8, 2017|Utility|Comments Off on The Hicksian Demand Function: With Diagram | Utility | Microeconomics

Revealed Preference Theory | Commodities | Utility Function | Economics

The theory of revealed preference allows us to use information about consumer choices to inter how the consumer must rank bundles if he is maximizing utility with budget constraints. Alternatively, the revealed preference model explains that how the consumer spends his income with given prices of different commodities. The change in price allows consumer to buy of more or less [...]

By |2017-06-08T11:57:24+05:30June 8, 2017|Revealed Preference Theory|Comments Off on Revealed Preference Theory | Commodities | Utility Function | Economics

Demand Curve: With Diagram | Hindi | Commodities | Economics

Read this article in Hindi to learn about the main reasons for the variations in the demand curve, with the help of suitable diagrams. (A) माँग का विस्तार अथवा संकुचन (Extension or Contraction of Demand): जब माँग में परिवर्तन केवल कीमत में परिवर्तन के कारण होता है तब ये परिवर्तन एक ही माँग वक्र पर घटित होते हैं । इस [...]

By |2017-06-03T06:41:21+05:30June 3, 2017|Demand|Comments Off on Demand Curve: With Diagram | Hindi | Commodities | Economics
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