Tag Archives | Incentive Plans

Incentive Plans

An incentive scheme is a plan to motivate individual or group performance. An incentive scheme basically involves monetary rewards, i.e., incentive pay but also includes non-monetary rewards. Incentives are variable rewards granted according to level of achievement of specific results. Incentives are payment for performance or payment by results. In other words, an incentive plan must include in its purview [...]

By |2019-12-10T10:18:41+05:30December 10, 2019|Human Resource Management|Comments Off on Incentive Plans

Classification of Incentive Plans

Everything you need to know about classification of incentive plans. Incentive plans envisage a basic rate usually on time basis applicable to all employees and incentive rates payable to the more efficient among them as extra compensation for their meritorious performance in terms of time, cost and quality. The incentive rates may take the form of bonus or premium. Bonus [...]

By |2019-10-19T12:09:07+05:30October 19, 2019|Incentive Plans|Comments Off on Classification of Incentive Plans
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