Tag Archives | Land

Land in Economics: Notes, Characteristics, Functions, Importance and Productivity

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning and Definition of Land 2. Characteristics of Land 3. Functions 4. Importance 5. Productivity. Notes on Land: The term 'land' generally refers to the surface of the earth. But in economics, it includes all that, which is available free of cost from 'nature' as a gift to human beings. Land stands [...]

By |2018-08-01T11:05:40+05:30August 1, 2018|Land|Comments Off on Land in Economics: Notes, Characteristics, Functions, Importance and Productivity

Essay on Rent | Hindi | Land | Economics

Here is an essay on ‘Rent’ especially written for school and college students in Hindi language. Essay # 1. लगान का अभिप्राय (Meaning of Rent): आय का वह भाग जो भूमिपतियों को उनकी भूमि के प्रयोग के बदले दिया जाता है, लगान कहलाता है । डेविड रिकार्डो के अनुसार, ''लगान भूमि की उपज का वह भाग है जो भू-स्वामी को [...]

By |2017-06-03T06:41:19+05:30June 3, 2017|Essays|Comments Off on Essay on Rent | Hindi | Land | Economics

Essay on the Ricardian Theory of Rent | Hindi | Land | Economics

Here is an essay on the ‘Ricardian Theory of Rent’ especially written for school and college students in Hindi language. Essay # 1. रिकार्डो के सिद्धान्त (Introduction to Ricardian Theory): रिकार्डो के लगान सिद्धान्त को 'लगान का प्रतिष्ठित सिद्धान्त' भी कहा जाता है । रिकार्डो से पूर्व प्रकृतिवादी अर्थशास्त्रियों (Physiocrats) ने लगान सम्बन्धी अपने विचार प्रस्तुत किये थे । प्रकृतिवादियों [...]

By |2017-06-03T06:41:19+05:30June 3, 2017|Essays|Comments Off on Essay on the Ricardian Theory of Rent | Hindi | Land | Economics
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