Tag Archives | Tariffs

Effects of Tariffs under Partial Equilibrium | International Economics

When a small country imposes tariff on import of the product that competes with the product of the small domestic industry, the tariff can neither affect the international prices (as the country is small) nor can it affect the rest of the economy (as the industry is small). In such conditions, the partial equilibrium analysis that concerns the market for [...]

By |2018-03-15T11:34:42+05:30March 15, 2018|Tariffs|Comments Off on Effects of Tariffs under Partial Equilibrium | International Economics

Tariffs: Meaning and Types | International Trade | Economics

In this article we will discuss about the meaning and types of tariffs imposed on imports and exports. Meaning of Tariffs: A tariff is a duty or tax imposed by the government of a country upon the traded commodity as it crosses the national boundaries. Tariff can be levied both upon exports and imports. The tariff or duties imposed upon [...]

By |2018-03-15T11:34:42+05:30March 15, 2018|Tariffs|Comments Off on Tariffs: Meaning and Types | International Trade | Economics

Effects of Tariffs under General Equilibrium | International Economics

In the general equilibrium analysis, a study is made of the effects of tariff on consumption, production, trade and welfare. When a country imposes a tariff, not only a specific product or sector but practically every sector of the economy gets affected in one way or the other, until the economic system reaches a new equilibrium position. In this connection, [...]

By |2018-03-15T11:34:36+05:30March 15, 2018|Tariffs|Comments Off on Effects of Tariffs under General Equilibrium | International Economics
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