Tag Archives | What is

What is Marketing Concept?

Everything you need to know about what is marketing concept. The concept of marketing and its influential role in the transformation of market, consumer and Indian economy is increasingly felt. It is a pervasive element in contemporary life of everyone. Marketing provides an opportunity to contribute to society as well as to an individual company. The modern or new marketing [...]

By |2022-12-15T17:33:14+05:30September 28, 2019|Marketing Management|Comments Off on What is Marketing Concept?

What is Rural Marketing?

Everything you need to know about the rural marketing. About two-thirds of the people, especially in the developing countries live in rural areas and depend upon agriculture and related activities for their livelihood. In urban areas, the output from the farm, i.e., food, fibre and other raw materials are processed and made available to the consumers. Rural marketing is a [...]

By |2022-12-30T12:44:24+05:30September 28, 2019|Rural Marketing|Comments Off on What is Rural Marketing?

What is Marketing Management?

Everything you need to know about marketing management. Marketing Management performs all managerial functions in the field of marketing. Marketing Management identifies market opportunities and comes out with appropriate strategies for exploring those opportunities profitably. It has to implement marketing programme and evaluate continuously the effectiveness of marketing-mix. It has to remove the deficiencies observed in the actual execution of [...]

By |2022-12-15T17:20:02+05:30August 7, 2019|Marketing Management|Comments Off on What is Marketing Management?
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